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Morlocks 01


The X-Men were alerted to the existence of the Morlocks after Callisto, their leader, kidnapped the X-Man Angel and intended to make him her mate. The X-Men realized they could not rescue Angel without ruling over the numerous Morlocks. This brought Storm to challenge Callisto to a duel. The prize of the duel was to become the leader of the Morlocks. Storm, feeling that she should be the one to duel Callisto (as leader of the X-Men) defeated her in hand-to-hand combat. She rescued Angel and became the de facto leader of the Morlocks. Against her wishes, the Morlocks later kidnapped the child superheroes Power Pack so that they could be raised by the Morlock Annalee, who had lost her own children. When Power Pack confronted Annalee, she let them go willingly. They promised to return in the future to keep her company. A majority of the Morlocks were slaughtered by Mister Sinister's Marauders in the Mutant Massacre. Most of the few survivors moved on to join Gene Nation, having lived in a pocket dimension led by Mikhail Rasputin. While other survivors of the massacre ended up elsewhere, such as Leech and Artie - who became wards of Generation X; Erg and Beautiful Dreamer - whose whereabouts was unknown until Decimation; Thornn - who would join X-Corporation and Caliban. It is later revealed that many of the Morlocks were actually failed experiments of the Dark Beast, which is why Mr. Sinister sought to destroy them, seeing his handiwork in them. Recently, a new group which calls itself "Those Who Live in Darkness" have inhabited the sewer tunnels just below the surface of Mutant Town/District X.


Founding Members[]

Debuting along with the rest of the Morlocks (with the exception of Caliban), it was revealed that Masque, Caliban, Callisto and Sunder founded the Morlocks under the streets of Manhattan, New York.

  • Dark Beast - Creator of the Morlocks. Formerly from the Age of Apocalypse and the Brotherhood. Infiltrated the X-Men for a time posing as the original Beast. Although not classified as a Morlock, he sees himself as their creator and has been called the "first one" by members of Gene Nation. Recently recruited by Norman Osborn as a scientist and member of the Dark X-Men.
  • Masque - Former leader after the Mutant Massacre. Led a splinter group for a time called the Tunnelers. Impaled by Shatterstar's sword but was revealed alive. Leader of the Morlocks once again.
  • Callisto - Former leader of the Morlocks. Arms were turned into tentacles by Masque. Aided Magneto and Professor X in Genosha. Depowered. Former member Of X-Cell; current whereabouts unknown; however, she is the current leader following M-Day.
  • Caliban - Caliban became Death, and later Pestilence. Served on the X-Force for a time. Joined the X-Men after Decimation; killed by the Purifiers saving James Proudstar. Resurrected by Eli Bard.
  • Sunder - Joined the impromptu Muir Island "X-Men" team. Shot by Pretty Boy of the Reavers.

Pre-Mutant Massacre[]

  • Plague - Became Pestilence, one of the Horsemen of Apocalypse. Died after falling off her flying horse.
  • Storm - Defeated Callisto in a duel to become the Morlocks' leader, although not classed as one. Former X-Men and Fantastic Four member; current queen of Wakanda.
  • Jo - Only appearance as a Morlock was her debut issue as Kitty Pryde's bridesmaid. Killed during the Mutant Massacre.
  • Leech - Has been in the first few incarnations of the Morlocks. Adopted son of Annalee. Formerly of X-Terminators and Generation X. Captured by the Weapon X program and used as the Neverland power damper, He is assumed to be one of the 198 who retain their mutant powers after the House of M; used by Masque because of the prophecies of Qwerty.
  • Healer - He burned himself out to heal and restore Callisto. 
  • Piper - Controlled animals using music. Killed by the Marauders.
  • Erg - Electrical blaster. Erg was a painter before becoming a Morlock. He is one of the 198; joined Masque's current incarnation.
  • Ape - Shapeshifter. Captured by the Weapon X program and sent to the Neverland concentration camp and killed
  • Tar Baby - Secretes adhesive. Captured by the Weapon X program and sent to the Neverland concentration camp and killed
  • Annalee - Emotion projector. Adopts Leech. Shot by Scalphunter in the Mutant Massacre.
  • Beautiful Dreamer - Altered memories of those "recruited" as Morlocks. Believed killed in the Mutant Massacre, but listed as alive and powered post-M-Day.
  • Skids (Sally Blevins) - Resented because she was seen as the prettiest of the Morlocks (her force field protected her from scars and Masque's powers). She left them and became a ward of X-Factor. After M-Day, she became a follower of Apocalypse and is friends with Scalphunter. Was part of Masque's new group of Morlock Extremists, as a spy for SHIELD.

Mutant Massacre[]

The Mutant Massacre was one of Marvel's annual crossovers events, centering on the Morlocks. The event resulted in the Marauders killing many of the Morlocks under orders of Mr. Sinister. Protected by the X-Men, X-Factor, Power Pack and Thor, only few survived. The event spanned Uncanny X-Men #210-212, X-Factor vol. 1 #9-11, New Mutants vol. 1 #46, Thor vol. 1 #373-374 and Power Pack vol. 1 #27. Many new Morlocks were also debuted, although many were killed in their first appearance.

  • Tommy - Shot by Scalphunter, after she accidentally led the Marauders to the entrance to the Morlocks' home; however it was later revealed that this was Gambit's doing.
  • Cybelle - Acid-secreting Tunneler killed by Harpoon.
  • Zeek - Killed by Harpoon.
  • Scaleface - Formerly part of Masque's splinter group, the Tunnelers. Shot by the police in her reptile-form
  • Berzerker - Formerly part of Masque's splinter group, the Tunnelers. Killed by electrocuting himself with his own powers
  • Blowhard - Formerly part of Masque's splinter group, the Tunnelers. Shot by a local gang

Post-Mutant Massacre[]

Most of the surviving Morlocks relocated themselves throughout New York City after the massacre. Few, however, returned to the Alley, their original home. There, Masque assumed leadership. Many new surviving Morlocks were introduced when Sabretooth decided to finish his original task. He is stopped by a newly "upgraded" Caliban. Later, a splinter group of the Morlocks is introduced. This group, led by Pixie, is attempting to escape Masque.

  • Lightning Bug - Killed in the Mutant Massacre. Astral essence survived and searches out a new form to inhabit. Her essence later perished
  • Chickenwings - Killed by Sabretooth.
  • Mole - Could tunnel through solid matter. It is strongly implied that Mole was killed by Sabretooth
  • Bliss - Has the power of a poisonous bite. Currently part of Masque's new group of Morlock Extremists.
  • Bouncer - mass teleporter; current whereabouts and status unknown.
  • Samson - Killed by Sabretooth
  • Brute - Shot by Cable
  • Hump - Brute's brother; current whereabouts and status unknown.
  • Pixie - Led a splinter group of Morlocks on the run from Masque. Murdered by Blackout
  • Bertram - died in the flooding of the Morlock Tunnels or during the battle of The Hill. Place of death unknown but is definitely dead.
  • Feral - Left the Morlocks. She was depowered as a result of Decimation but recently she regained her physical mutation, only to be killed by Sabretooth but returns as a ghost.
  • Pester - Daughter of Mother Inferior; current whereabouts and status unknown.
  • Ent - current whereabouts and status unknown.
  • Mother Inferior - Crushed by falling debris
  • Thornn - Left the Morlocks after the Great Flood. Depowered as a result of Decimation but regained her physical mutation again.

The Hill[]

With Masque presumed killed, an insane Mikhail Rasputin takes over as leader of the Morlocks in Uncanny X-Men #293. As leader, he then floods the tunnels in order to destroy the remaining Morlocks. It is revealed later that he actually transported the Morlocks to another dimension dubbed the Hill, whose timeline moved faster than the main Marvel Universe. There, he set himself up as their king and forced them to fight for the right to live.

  • Alex - current whereabouts and status unknown.
  • Mikhail Rasputin - Former leader of the Morlocks. Transported them to the Hill dimension. Currently is in 'The Dark Zone.
  • MeMe - Mind shut down by Jean Grey to rescue humans he absorbed.
  • Monte - died in the flooding of the Morlock Tunnels or during the battle of The Hill. Place of death unknown but is definitely dead.
  • Brain Cell - died in the flooding of the Morlock Tunnels or during the battle of The Hill. Place of death unknown but is definitely dead.
  • Marrow - One of the Morlocks that were transported to the Hill dimension by Mikhail Rasputin. Returned to lead a terrorist faction known as Gene Nation. Seemingly killed by Storm. Revealed to have survive with the help of a second heart. Formerly of the X-Men, SHIELD and Weapon X Program. Only Gene Nation member who was a real Morlock (not being born in The Hill). Depowered; later joined X-Cell.
  • Marilou - Killed by Mikhail Rasputin.

Africa/Gene Nation[]

With the Morlocks presumed dead by the floods caused by Mikhail Rasputin, some of the remaining Morlocks were relocated to Selima Oasis in North Africa. When attacked by Humanity's Last Stand, an emotional backlash caused D'Gard to assume control over Storm, who relinquished her leadership role. In X-Men: Prime many of the Hill Morlocks returned to found Gene Nation. As the new group, they attacked the human oppressors of the past Morlocks under the leadership of Marrow. It is unknown whether the remaining Morlocks of Africa stayed there or relocated to New York. A few have been seen there since, as well as a few Morlocks who chose to remain in New York despite previous attempts on their lives.

  • Boost - One of the many surviving Morlocks. Relocated to North Africa but defected to the Brotherhood. Depowered.
  • Tether - One of the many surviving Morlocks relocated to North Africa. Defected to the Brotherhood. Depowered.
  • Ever - killed by Dark Beast.
  • D'Gard - Became leader of the Morlocks while in North Africa when he made Storm relinquish her leadership. Killed by Marrow as a sign of loyalty to the new Weapon X program
  • Revelation - Revealed to have been in suspended animation around the time of Storm's becoming the Morlock leader as a result of her death-powers. Died in the Punisher's arms
  • Soteira - Revealed to be around at the time Storm became Morlock leader. Was the scientist that put Revelation in suspended animation. Appeared as a hologram telling Wolverine and the Punisher she will die as a result of prolonged exposure to Revelation's powers
  • Carver - Leader of a splinter group of five Morlocks who survived the Massacres and the Flood and who still followed the old Morlock rules. Died after falling into a chasm.
  • Fugue - Member of the splinter group of five who still follow the old Morlocks rule. Died after falling into a chasm.
  • Delphi - killed by a bomb placed in the tunnels under New York by Masque placedin the Morlock Tunnels.
  • Membrain - killed in the explosion of Masque's bomb placed in the Morlock Tunnels.
  • Obsidian - killed in the explosion of Masque's bomb placed in the Morlock Tunnels.
  • Integer -  killed in the explosion of Masque's bomb placed in the Morlock Tunnels.
  • Burning Puddle - was a member of the London Morlock branch. He was one of the many mutants killed by the Church of Humanity.
  • Miss Saccharine - mother of Burning Puddle and a member of the London Morlocks. Killed by the Church of Humanity.
  • Croc - a mutant who looked like a Crocodile he was one of the many London Morlocks slain by Paul Botham aka Mr. Clean.
  • Warthog - a mutant who looked like a Warthog he was one of countless members of the London Morlocks killed by Mr. Clean.
  • Vampyr - a London Morlock who looked like a bat and was killed in the underground tunnels of London by Mr. Clean.
  • Harmony - is a mutant with the appearance of a fish she escaped from the massacre of the London Morlocks. With the help of the X-Men Harmony and her daughter Hope made it out of London alive and into America. However Harmony's husband was one of the many casualties
  • Carla - a mutant who looks like achipmunk she is one of the very few to survive the slaughter of the London Morlocks. Carla was rescued by the X-Men along with Harmony, Hope, and Double Helix.
  • Double Helix - a two headed mutant from the London Morlocks. He survived the attack on in the London Morlocks Tunnels. The X-Men helped him and the survivors escape London and brought them to America.

After M-Day[]

After M-Day, Some former Morlocks who lost their powers were Angel Dust, Boost, Irving, Qwerty, Delphi, Callisto, Marrow, Postman, Shatter, Tether and the probability of Feral and Thornn. However, Feral and Thornn were later seen re-powered; but this was later to be revealed in Wolverine (vol. 3) #54-55 that only their physical mutations were restored, not their mutant powers, which led to Feral being killed by Sabretooth. In one of Generation M's "Ex-Mutants' Diaries," Sally interviews Marrow about the Morlocks. Marrow reports that 80% of the remaining Morlocks (which was most likely already very small) are depowered now and look like humans. She states that most of them are still afraid about going out of the tunnels. Currently, Marrow works as a watchmen of the Morlocks, as she is called by the remaining ones when problems occur. She explained this status in the aftermath of thirteen depowered Morlocks murder by Ghoul. One character commented that, post-M-Day, the chance of meeting a Morlock in the tunnels under New York is now harder than meeting an alligator in the Floridian sewers. Some former Morlocks who actually kept their powers sought refugee at Xavier's Institute and became known as 198. They are Beautiful Dreamer, Caliban, Erg, Leech, and Skids. Dark Beast and Mikhail Rasputin are also still powered, though Mikhail is in The Dark Zone.

The Extremists[]

During Ed Brubaker's "The Extremists" arc, the Morlocks reappear under the leadership of Masque and now consisting of Bliss, Erg, Litterbug, Skids and a recently captured Leech. Later in this story it was revealed Skids only joined the Morlocks to spy on them on behalf of S.H.I.E.L.D.

All Current Morlocks Shown After M-Day[]

All Powered =

  • Skids - currently with S.H.I.E.L.D.
  • Beautiful Dreamer - killed by new form of Legacy Virus
  • Leech - presumably with X-Men in San Fransisco
  • Caliban - was deceased, but was re-animated by Eli Bard and Selene now is deceased again
  • Erg - arrested after riots in Utopia
  • Bliss - presumably in tunnels
  • Litterbug - presumably in tunnels
  • Masque - current whereabouts unknown
  • Sack - killed by nimrod
  • Fever Pitch - killed by new form of Legacy Virus
  • Berzerker - was deceased, but was re-animated by Eli Bard and Selene now deceased again
  • Electric Eve - presumably in tunnels

All Depowered =

  • Callisto - depowered, currently in tunnels
  • Marrow - depowered, currently in tunnels
  • Thornn - depowered, physical mutations restored, current whereabouts unknown. Thornn has disappeared after the death of her sister and has no clue that Feral has returned as a ghost.
  • Feral - depowered, physical mutations restored, later killed by Sabretooth, then returns as a ghost
  • Eva - Wolverine left the depowered mutant to live with her choices of what she has done. Her fate was probably decided by the surviving Morlocks or she couldn't go on baring living with the guilt of her actions.
  • Reaper - was a member of MLF as well as Weapon X. He was one of the many mutants to lose his powers after m-day. Reaper along with a bunch of other depowered mutants joined the Morlock group known as X-Cell. Fate Unknown.
  • Abyss - was a member of the Morlock group known as X-Cell. He was one of the many mutants who lost their powers after m-day. Fate Unknown.
  • Fatale - was a mutant assassin who was a member of the Brotherhood and Dark Descendants. After losing her powers on m-day she joined the Morlock group call X-Cell. Presumably in tunnels.
  • Elijah Cross - depowered mutant and leader of the X-Cell. Although Cross isn't a Morlock he formed the terrorist group X-Cell with many former Morlocks. Exploded from his unstable powers that Quicksilver tried to help him regain.

All Powered Former Leaders Not Currently Involved With Group =

  • Storm - currently with X-Men
  • Mikhail Rasputin - trapped in other dimension
  • Dark Beast - currently with Dark X-Men

Unknown Fate[]

  • Marked Man - imprisoned and never seen again.
  • Tobe - last seen fighting Storm, never seen again.
  • Alex - last seen during the battle of The Hill, never seen again.
  • Pester - last seen living with homeless humans, never seen again.
  • Ent - last seen living with homeless humans, never seen again.
  • Boost - dropped off in  africa, never seen again & currently depowered.
  • Tether - dropped off in africa, never seen again & currently depowered.
  • Charm - dropped off in africa, never seen again & currently depowered.
  • Loss - last seen around M-Day and after m-day, never seen again. Probably killed by Predator X or had a daughter who was killed by Predator X.
  • Shatter - depowered hasn't been seen after m-day, never seen again.
  • Postman - depowered hasn't been seen after m-day, never seen again.
  • Angel Dust - depowered hasn't been seen after m-day, never seen again.
  • Ed - depowered and currently unknown.
  • Joey - transferred to a place called the Nursery, never seen again.
  • Groonk - moves in with Thuderstrike's family on Christmas and leaves his life as a Morlock, never seen again.
  • Reaper - last seen fighting Quicksilver, never seen again.
  • Abyss - last seen fighting Quicksilver, never seen again.

Surviving Morlocks[]

Morlocks that are still alive.

  • Callisto - living underground in New York.
  • Storm - with X-Men.
  • Litterbug - left the Chicago Morlocks and is living underground in New York.
  • Marrow - living underground.
  • Bliss - living underground in New York.
  • Skids - living underground.
  • Artie Maddicks - left living with the Future Foundation team.
  • Leech - left living with the Future Foundation team.
  • Electric Eve - left the Chicago Morlocks and is living underground in New York.
  • Danna Moonstar - from another reality.
  • Hollow - member of the Morlocks group Gene Nation in a alternate dimension. The whereabouts of the Hollow from the normal reality are unknown. Could be living underground just like her alternate counterpart.
  • Feral - left the Morlocks now a ghost wondering earth.
  • Thornn - left the Morlocks.
  • Erg - living underground in New York
  • Scarshriek - from another reality has left his alternate dimension now in the normal reality living underground in New York.
  • Fatale - left X-Cell and her allies Reaper and Abyss after their failed revenge on Quicksilver. Unlike her friends Fatale never fought the speedster. Currently living underground but still holding a grudge with Quicksilver. Living underground in New York.
  • Harmony - one of the few survivors from the London Morlocks who was rescued by the X-Men. Harmony and her daughter Hope were brought over to America how ever her husband didn't survive. Living underground in New York.
  • Hope - the daughter of Harmony it is unknown if she was born a mutant or a human. She was named Hope because the X-Men rescued the surviving London Morlocks on the day of her birth. Hope's unknown father was one of the many Morlocks to perish at the hands of Mr. Clean. Living underground in New York.
  • Carla - survived the death of the London Morlocks was rescued by the X-Men. Left London and came over to America with surviving Morlocks to be safe. Living underground in New York.
  • Double Helix - a survivor from the London Morlocks who was saved by the X-Men. Moved from London to America with the other survivors. Living underground in New York.
  • Masque - living underground in New York.
  • Spyke - only appeared in the cartoons.
  • Torpid - only appeared in the cartoons.
  • Facade - only appeared in the cartoons.
  • Lucid - only appeared in the cartoons.
  • Marianna - only appeared in the cartoons.
  • Unamed and Unknown Morlocks - who have made cameo, minor and back ground appearances living underground in New York.

New Morlocks[]

During phenomenon of the M-Poxs Callisto reformed the Morlocks and has allowed humans into their group. They become known as the New Morlocks the humanswho joined their group were trying to escape from the M-Poxs or who had been rejected and outcast by other humans. With the New Morlocks Callisto has succeeded in making Charles Xavier's dream come true of humans and mutants living and working together. Although humans and mutants are living together in the underground tunnels of New York the humans on the sersurface still fear and hate mutants unlike the ones living with the Morlocks.

New Morlock Members[]

  • Callisto - Leader and founder of the New Morlocks. Currently lost her mutant powers again & is now human. Also currently seen in the Robert Kelly Correctional Facility with fellow Morlocks Bliss and Electronic Eve.
  • Huge variety of unknown and unnamed mutants and humans living together.
  • John-John - one of the many humans living with the New Morlocks. Currently living in the Morlock Tunnels.
  • Erg - escaped from custody and is now living underground with the newly formed Morlocks. Currently living in the Morlock Tunnels.
  • Skids - currently working for S.H.I.E.L.D. but still has ties with the Morlocks. Secretly a part of Callisto's New Morlocks.
  • Electric Eve - she has left the Chicago Morlocks and is now a part of Callisto's New Morlocks. Currently has been seen as one of Crazy Maisie's bodyguards in the Robert Kelly Correctional Facility.
  • Bliss - allies with Masque but is also a member of Callisto's New Morlocks. Currently has been seen as one of Crazy Maisie's bodyguards in the Robert Kelly Correctional Facility.
  • Litterbug - allies with Masque but is also a member of Callisto's New Morlocks. Currently living underground in the Morlock Tunnels.
  • Leech - Member of Callisto's New Morlocks. Secretly still alive but classified as deceased to keep him safe.
  • Artie Maddicks - depowered mutant and member of Callisto's New Morlocks. Secretly still alive but classified as deceased to keep him safe.
  • Masque - former leader of the Morlocks still has ties with them but he is not completely trusted by the New Morlocks.
  • Marrow - living underground as a member of the New Morlocks. Currently living in the Morlock Tunnels.
  • Fatale - former of the Morlock group called X-Cell now is a member of the New Morlocks. Although she is depowered Fatale is still a great assassin.
  • Harmony - a fish mutant from the London Morlocks who came to America after the slaughter of many mutants in the London Morlock Tunnels. Has now become a member of Callisto's New Morlocks.
  • Double Helix - once a member of the London Morlocks. He is one of the few to survive the massacre. Brought over to America by the X-Men. Lives underground in Callisto's mutant and human society known as the New Morlocks.
  • Carla - escaped the slaughter of the London Morlocks moved to America with the survivors. Has joined Callisto and now lives in her New Morlocks society.